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recyclarr sync


recyclarr sync [service] [OPTIONS]


Synchronizes the guide with various services.



An optional positional argument that indicates the specific service type to sync. If not specified, all service types are synced. Valid values for this argument are:

  • radarr
  • sonarr

Command Line Examples

# Sync both Radarr and Sonarr
recyclarr sync

# Sync just Radarr
recyclarr sync radarr

# Sync just Sonarr
recyclarr sync sonarr



One or more paths to YAML configuration files. If this argument is not specified, default configuration files will be used according to rules documented on the File Structure page.


If you specify more than one configuration file, you must repeat the -c option for each file. See the examples below.

Command Line Examples

# Sync using default configs (recyclarr.yml or files in the 'configs' directory)
recyclarr sync

# Use a single config
recyclarr sync --config ../myconfig.yml

# Use multiple configs
recyclarr sync -c ../myconfig1.yml -c "files/my config 2.yml"


Instructs Recyclarr to perform all the work it normally would do during a sync, except it won't update your actual instance configuration. This gives you the opportunity to see what Recyclarr would do without actually committing those changes.

Note that, in this mode, Recyclarr will still make API calls to services but only to fetch data; it will never invoke the API to make actual changes.


One or more instance names to sync. Instance names are the names you give each of your instances in your YAML configuration files. In the example recyclarr.yml below, movies and series are instance names:

base_url: http://localhost:7878
api_key: abc123
base_url: http://localhost:8989
api_key: def456

The [service] argument influences the behavior of instance-based syncing. If you specify a specific service to sync, such as radarr, then the --instance option will only look at instances for that specific service type (in this example, it will only look at Radarr instances).

Command Line Examples

# Sync instances named `movies` and `series` across both Radarr and Sonarr
recyclarr sync -i movies -i series

# Sync an instance named 'series' only if they are in Sonarr
recyclarr sync sonarr --instance series