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The documentation here is for an unreleased version of Recyclarr.

Visit the documentation site for the Current Version instead.


Settings are specified in a file named settings.yml in your app data directory. Settings in this file affect the behavior of Recyclarr regardless of instance-specific configuration for Radarr and Sonarr.

Example of file location (using docker path):


If this file does not exist, Recyclarr will create it for you. Starting out, this file will be empty and default behavior will be used.


There is absolutely no need to touch this file unless you have a specific reason to. It is recommended that you only add the specific properties for the customizations you need and leave the rest alone.

Schema Validation

Visit the Schema Validation page for detailed instructions.

Add this comment to the top of your YAML file:

# yaml-language-server: $schema=

Global Settings

enable_ssl_certificate_validation: true
git_path: /usr/local/bin/git
  • enable_ssl_certificate_validation (Default: true)
    If set to false, SSL certificates are not validated. This is useful if you are connecting to a Sonarr or Radarr instance using https and it is set up with self-signed certificates. Note that disabling this setting is a security risk and should be avoided unless you are absolutely sure what you are doing.

  • git_path (Default: Search on PATH)

    Provide an explicit path to your git executable. Note that this is a path to the actual executable itself and not a directory path. If this setting is not specified, Recyclarr will attempt to find git via your PATH environment variable.