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The documentation here is for an unreleased version of Recyclarr.

Visit the documentation site for the Current Version instead.

Version 3.0

Breaking Changes

This version removes a few deprecated features. If you still use any of these features, action is required to avoid errors next time you run Recyclarr.

Removed Names Support for Custom Formats

Previously, you were allowed to specify names (instead of Trash IDs) in the custom_formats list:

- names:
- 1080p

The names array has been removed and is no longer supported. Migrate your CFs (manually) to the trash_ids list:

- trash_ids:
- 820b09bb9acbfde9c35c71e0e565dad8 # 1080p

This migration is a manual process. You will need to use the output of the --list-custom-formats CLI option and manually copy & paste the CFs you want.

No Longer Load recyclarr.yml Sitting Next to Executable

The recyclarr.yml configuration file is no longer loaded if it's sitting next to where the Recyclarr executable lives on the filesystem. From now on, the only valid (default) location for this file is at the root of your Application Data Directory.

Git Required On Host Systems

If you're using the Manual Installation method, you must now install Git on your system in order to run Recyclarr. Prior to v3.0.0, Recyclarr had an implementation of Git bundled inside it, so it would work even if you didn't have Git installed. However, this implementation caused multiple issues, including a continuously-growing Repo directory.

Due to the limitations of that implementation, Recyclarr now runs git commands on your shell, and thus requires the git executable to be installed and on your PATH (or you can specify a path to it via your settings).


The features below are deprecated. This means they are now marked for removal in a future release, but for now are still supported. You may see warnings in your console output & logs informing you of these deprecated features if you are using them.

Instances Must Now Be Named

Prior to this release, your list of instances used array-style syntax, which look like this:

- base_url: http://localhost:7878
api_key: 123abc
- base_url: http://localhost:7879
api_key: 789def

This style is deprecated. Going forward, all instances must use mapping-style syntax instead. Convert the above to something like this:

base_url: http://localhost:7878
api_key: 123abc
base_url: http://localhost:7879
api_key: 789def

Where instance1 and instance2 can be any names you want as long as they are valid YAML. These names are useful for several reasons, such as:

  • They allow easier identification in logs, cache, and other places.
  • May be used in the future on the CLI for selective updates.