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The documentation here is for an unreleased version of Recyclarr.

Visit the documentation site for the Current Version instead.

Version 4.0

Breaking Changes

A recent update to Sonarr v4 changed the way Quality Definitions work. Recyclarr was not prepared for this change. As such, an immediate breaking change is released that fixes the issue but requires user intervention.


Radarr was not impacted by this change. User intervention is only required for Sonarr instances (all versions).

Quality Definitions

Radarr's syntax for quality definitions is now used consistently between Radarr and Sonarr instances of all versions. Previously, the syntax for Sonarr was as follows:

quality_definition: series

Starting with v4.0, you must convert this style to the same one that Radarr uses:

type: series

The preferred_ratio property is also supported, just like in Radarr. Note, however, that this property does nothing on Sonarr v3 instances because it does not have a preferred quality size setting.

Preferred Ratio

The behavior of preferred_ratio has changed. The default is no longer 1.0. Instead, the default behavior is to take the preferred values from the guide. The default behavior is used if the preferred_ratio property is not specified.

Hybrid Quality Definition

The hybrid quality definition has been removed and is no longer supported. This was always a bit of a hack to support Sonarr instances that handle both anime and series. Going forward, however, this should become an official part of the guide if it is desired.


At the time v4.0 was released, there is not a suitable replacement for hybrid. Keep an eye on the guide for updates or request it.